Category Archives: Email Marketing

The Ultimate Guide To Designing Your Cart Recovery Email

The right way and the wrong way, with examples for 7 different components of your cart abandonment email that will help you recapture more of those lost orders.

Can All Your Recipients Really View Your Responsive Email Easily?

Responsive Design is still all the rage in web design circles, and that extends into email. But not all email clients can process Responsive messages. What are some alternatives that will work for all mobile users?

What’s The Conversion Rate For Your Opt-In Popup Box? Our Client Has Allowed Us To Share Theirs [Case Study]

Many have shared subscription growth rates for opt-in popups, but few actually share a conversion rate for the popup itself. These are the results of tests for one of our clients.

Email Marketing for Mobile Devices – Who Does It Well? Who Does It Not-So-Well?

The explosive growth of mobile usage for Internet-related activities continues, and nowhere is it more prevalent than in reading email.  According to Litmus, more than half of all email reads take place on a mobile device.  How do your company’s …

Email Marketing Best Practices – Who Does It Well? Who Does It Not-So-Well?

For almost every client I’ve ever worked with, Email Marketing has been one of the top, generally the very top, performer of any online marketing effort undertaken.  But because of this, too many people simply take a “Send it and …

Why Is Campaign Tagging Your Analytics Program’s Best Friend?

Implement Campaign Tagging in your external links to improve the accuracy and usefulness of your analytics.

10 Tips to Make Your Email Sign-Up Process As Effective As Possible

When building your email opt-in list, you want the sign-up process to be as easy as possible on your customers. Here are examples of how online leaders do this well, or poorly.

Your First Email Marketing Campaign Made Simple – 10 Basic Guidelines

There are still way too many of you out there.  You know who you are.  You read every day about how beneficial email marketing can be for you.  You want to take advantage of it.  However, you also read about …

How To Succeed In Email Marketing: Demystifying Email Metrics

Understand the meaning of the most useful Email Marketing metrics, the nuances of how they are calculated, and how to use them to improve future campaigns.