Category Archives: Marketing Decisions

Facebook Ads vs. Google AdWords: Where Should You Be Advertising?

We’re talking online advertising today, and historically, that conversation has always started with pay per click (PPC) ads, and the dominant player in that game:  Google AdWords.  However, with nearly a billion users, Facebook has emerged as a viable alternative …

The Online Payment Process Decision: What Every Online Marketer Should Know

For many smaller organizations looking to start accepting credit cards online, the question quickly arises as to which provider to use to accept those payments.  And actually, what type of provider is the question really being asked first.  Depending on …

How Should You Source Your Upcoming Web Site Enhancement?

For almost everyone, the demands being placed on your web site to reduce costs and generate more revenue compound each year.  For many of you, that means adding some major functionality to your site.  That could be adding an online …